Sunday, January 27, 2008

Only for one moment

I've been loving a professional soccor player for a while. He showed me heaven. He let me feel loved again. Told me he would always be dere for me, no matta what. I believed him. I gave him ma heart. I even wanted to follow him when he was being transferred. Giving up ma life ova here just so I could support him. Cus he was worth it...

But sumthang happened yesterday. He found out sumthang. Sumthang I neva told him cus its normal to me. Neva expected him to make an ish 'bout it. But he felt betrayed, he felt like I didnt trust him. He doesnt want to talk to me anymore. Saying I dont love him. When he said dat, my breath stopped, my whole body started to quiver, heart broke in a million little pieces. My whole world came crashing down basicly. I gave all ma trust to da guy so it was hard to hear him say dat while I loved him so deeply...

Now all I want to do is break down nd cry. He will be transfered, will change his numba... nd I will never be able to get to him again. You told me you would always be there when I needed you, well I need you now nd where are you...?

Da thing you found out doesnt change who I am. Why cant you look past it? Yes it might be a missjudgement of me not to tell it to you, but I didnt even tought about it since its normal to me. My heart is aching. Just look deep inside urself nd find da strength to forgive me, find da strength to see me one more time since it might be our last time.

MARCH 27, 1988 - JANUARY 27, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Luv is da air

Been away from bloggin for a while. Needed to get ma mind right. Focus on whats important in life. School, fam nd friends.

Just got one more exam to go nd den am finished. Fingers crossed. Hope ev'rythang is aight. I did ma best so I hope it shows in da results.

Nd I also met a great guy. He really makes me feel good. He can make me laugh, even when am sad. Its not gon be easy cus he is leaving da country soon nd neither one of us likes it. He doesnt want to go neither but sumtimes you just gotta be grateful nd appreciate what you got nd try to make da best out of da situation. I really hope thangs work out.

A sad loss dis week. Tuesday actor Heath Ledger died. No am still into black but he was a good actor. Nd he looked more the okay in A Knights Tale. But what I dont get is that people are filming his body being carried out of his apartment. Please show some respect to him nd his family. What of his daughter sees it one day?! Gone too soon. R.I.P Heath.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just hopping in for a sec

Was good ma folks. lol. Well 2 exams finished already. After tomorrow I am half finished! Yay! Well I found a new total hottie! Lips, eyes, smile body, ... He got it all. lOl.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pic stolen!

Was browsing the web today when I bumped into some guys skyblog nd y'all neva believe what I saw! Da guy just stole one of da banners I made for a friend. He didnt even ask for my permission or placed a link to ma site! Nah none of dat! Nd ma D-n-D logo was clearly visible! Ripper! Aahgrrrr! I am not in a good mood!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Droppin by to say WHAAAADDUP?!

Long time nuh talk! So wa a gwaan? Y'all aight? I had ma first exam today. 1 done, 5 more to go!

Watchin MTV base at the moment. Since when did hip hop became so brainless. Answer: a long time ago. lOl. Dey playin Flo Rida's Low at da moment. Nd da meanin is... Meanin? Should a song have a meanin? lOl. Yh it should have! Fine it makes people move but apart from dat? I heard BET refused to play Little Brothers Lovin It cus it was too intelligent. Uhm... Then why not do da same with crappy rappers like 50 Cent cus of too dumb. So its cool to swipe credit cards between a laydees buttlock? Hmmmm. Think about it. Is dat still HIP HOP?

So now Imma bounce to ma warm bed!

Nite nite

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back to ma old habbits

Da second day of da year is already ova. So what did we do.... Nuffin! Damn I should be studying! Cant seem to focus. Lets just pray I get easy exam question, shall we? Hmmm. Bottle of water is empty. Should get a bew one downstairs but too lazy. Sorry random thought popping up. lOl. So where was I? Oh yes; studying. Y'all know what da thoughest question on an exam can be? Well I do: "ask a question yourself nd answer it". Damn dats hard cus you always think you asked urself a question dats too easy or too stupid! Well what else? Aightie, dere is a guy dat likes me nd I kinda like him back. lOl. I know him for a while now but ever since he found out I was in a relationship (ok am talking about like 7 months ago), he stopped talking. Never knew why. Till last Xmas when he wished me a merry Xmas. We chatted nd I all of da sudden confessed he has always liked me a lot. When I asked him why he never made dat clear, he said it was cus I was in a relationship. So now dat he knew I wasnt in a relationship anymore, he confessed it... We been talking like ev'ry day now nd I kinda do like him... Am like twisted in between emotions. I really like da guy -nd he lives in Belgium- but on da other hand, damn am still hopin dat me nd B can work it out cus ma feeling for him go way behond ordinary love. At da moment its like I wanna be with R cus he is close to me nd I like being round him but ma feelings for him bleech compared to ma feelings for B. Damn man. Messed up. I like da guy, but dont want to deceive him. Not gon deny it, I wanna be with him but dont want to give up hope bout B... So my dear Lolu, stop laughing nd gimme some decent advice! lOl.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Best & Worst of 2007


Best album of 2007

I gotta go for Hôtel Impala by Baloji cus he really surprised me with dis one. Never heard such variety on a debut album.

Worst album of 2007

Damn where to start. lol! Ill stick to "urban" albums dis time (othawise it would be a long list). Guess I will have to nominate da same guy ev'ry year... Ova nd ova again... 50 Cent! So my worst album of 2007 is Curtis by 50 Cent.


Best track of 2007
The People by Common. Just listen to the lyrics.

Worst track of 2007
Any one of 50 Cent. Didnt pay attention to crappy tracks dis year. Just switched to anotha channel.


Best movie of 2007
Tie between American Gansgter nd I Am Legend.

Worst movie of 2007
Probably Spiderman 3


Best series of 2007
Like ev'ry year, Emergency Room (ER). Best new series on tv must have been Shark (I found it funny but I was like da only one so probably sumthang wrong wif ma sense of humor).

Worst series of 2007
Tie between Lost nd Prison Break


Best gadged of 2007
Probably da iPhone nd iTouch. But both got sum serious downsides too. iPhone is way too expensive nd it fucked up dat you have to take a supscribtion wif it. iTouch is kinda expensive nd not enough GB for ma large collection of music!

Worst gadged of 2007
Windows Visa! Ok, it looks cool but dats it! Its annoying! All dose windows asking for permission nd stuff like dat!


Best social networking site of 2007
Guess Ill gon go for Facebook. Sum aplications are nice nd its easy to find people from ur school, country, organisation, ... Downside is dat you cannot give ur profile sum nice bg.

Worst social networking site of 2007
MySpace! All dose spam msgs are getting on ma nerves fo sho'!