Sunday, October 26, 2008


Friday I took another way to class and I passed the school's library. There was this flyer that caught my attention. It was about summer courses at the University of California (UC Berkeley, UCLA or San Diego). Damn that would be something for me! It would be über pleasant to follow some summer classes for 6 weeks and really see what the campus life is like. Over here you don't have those big campus's with dorms, sport stadia, big university competitions in American football or basketball... Maybe I can inform myself about it after my first semester's exam results came in. It would just be this great opportunity to study something outside the classic law field plus it would look great on my curriculum vitea.

What is so cool and funky about using English? I mean, yes I often English myself too on pages like Blogger or Facebook, but mostly because my friends don't understand my native language, being Dutch. But I have some people on it that don't have one single native English speaking friend on their page and still they only write English because it is supposed to look "cool". To be honest, it doesn't look cool and especially when it's no English at all. Mostly it is just literally translated from Dutch to English so it doesn't make any sense. I'm not saying my English is perfect, far from, but if you want to act cool, clean up your act first. If not, it looks just foolish.

I was shocked when I listened to the news today. Last Friday, someone murdered the mother and brother of Jeniffer Hudson and kidnapped her nephew. So sad. May their souls rest in peace.

Also Friday Barack Obama quiet his campaign to visit his ill grandmother. Some people say it is a bad thing for him to do because this will give McCain the opportunity to close the gab a little bit more. I don't understand how people can think in terms of percentages when this might be the last chance he ever sees his ill grandmother?! What do they want? Do they want a gladiator as president? One that chooses the elections above the woman who raised him? Is that country still human?! Oh and anyone heard the amount of money the republicans spend on dressing Sarah "pit bull with lipstick" Palin? $150.000! Scandalous!

There is this song called Believe by Voyce Alexander that I have been listening to for some days now. Every time I listen to the lyrics, I have to close my eyes and think about my hubby. I can't imagine how empty I must feel inside if I didn't have him anymore. The world would still be spinning, but something inside me would be missing.

Sunday morning, getting up early
Putting on something casual
I'm not in a hurry
Walking around the streets
Catching a movie
Then back to the real world
Trying to do something
Still life can be lonely

The world is still spinning
Everything seems the same
But there is something inside
So hard to explain
The sun is still shining
And the birds are singing
But I can't deny there is something missing

Still I believe in a thing called love
Forever I believe that someday someone
Will show up and end the war
But I cannot believe that I am not yours anymore
I believe in a thing called faith
And miracles I believe that someday
I will forget what I was crying for
But I cannot believe that I am not yours anymore

Monday evening, sitting at the bar drinking
Getting to the bottom of my glass
Reflecting on the past, I'm thinking

The world is still spinning
Everything seems the same
But there is something inside
So hard to explain
The sun is still shining
And the birds are singing
But I can't deny there is something missing

Still I believe in a thing called love
Forever I believe that someday someone
Will show up and end the war
But I cannot believe that I am not yours anymore
I believe in a thing called faith
And miracles I believe that someday
I will forget what I was crying for
But I cannot believe that I am not yours anymore

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My time to tease

Co-incidence does exist! Yesterday Sheriff was asking things about Antwerp (and assuming it was this small town full of pensioned people). Little did he know that we have the 2nd most important harbor of Europe and 4th most important harbor of the world! So the answer on your question if we have water is yes we have. Today when I visited the news site, I saw that Antwerp was in the ‘Lonely Planet' top ten! This is the article accompanying the headline:

The international travel guide publisher Lonely Planet has added Antwerp to its prestigious list of the world’s ten most interesting cities. Each year Lonely Planet publishes a top ten of cities that are worth a visit during the coming twelve months.

Lonely Planet writes that Antwerp has a rich history and the port is city is the most underrated tourist destination in Belgium.

"Few places offer such an appealing mix of classic and modern features."

"Eclectic art nouveau houses right next to neo-classic villas and medieval castles provide a fantastic backdrop to the many bars and pavement cafés.”

Antwerp is in good company with cities such as Beirut, Chicago, Glasgow, Lissabon, Mexico City and Sao Paolo also featuring in the top ten.

Antwerpen in top tien beste steden

Het heeft even geduurd, maar Lonely Planet, de Britse bijbel voor de eigentijdse, onafhankelijke reiziger, heeft Antwerpen ontdekt. De stad wordt in de nieuwe gids, "Best in travel 2009", warm aanbevolen. Evenals landen als Sierra Leone en Kirgizië overigens. Met Glasgow, Chicago, Mexico Stad en Lissabon is Antwerpen "een van 's werelds tien beste steden" om volgend jaar te bezoeken.

Na vastgesteld te hebben dat België synoniem is met inwendige consumptie, doet de gids een ten dele succesvolle poging verder te kijken dan de clichés van bier, mosselen, friet en chocola.

Vooral van dat eerste kan het slecht afstand doen. Een van de beste ervaringen in Antwerpen is een "bedevaart" naar Bierhuis Kulminator en de zevenhonderd variaties in bier.

Of Antwerpen zit te wachten op een invasie van "only here for the beer"-Britten die van huis uit slechts twee soorten kennen, veel en teveel, is nog maar de vraag.

Steden als Praag en Dublin bewenen, als je tenminste de plaatselijke taxichauffeurs geloven moet, de goedkope vluchten die hun stad binnen het bereik hebben geplaatst van Engelse jongeren op zoek naar een bestemming voor vrijgezellenweekends.

Maar Antwerpens "mengeling van eeuwenoude steegjes en moderne gebouwen barstensvol clubs en winkels, de gelambrizeerde bars en cafés" kan niet langer genegeerd worden. "Antwerpen heeft, op het gebied van vertier, de juiste prioriteiten."

Bieren en mode

Naast de 200 "chips shops" die gezamenlijk "de Rubens van de frituurwereld" zijn en het "stunning" Antwerpen Centraal, raakt de gids niet uitgekeken op de zondagse markt in de Hoogstraat en haar cafés.

Maar behalve "'s werelds beste keuze aan bieren" (Lonely Planet kan het echt niet laten) is het de "explosie van modeontwerpers" die de stad van haar "ooit duffe imago" afgeholpen heeft.

De salons en winkels van de Zes van Antwerpen worden geroemd, evenals ModeNatie, het Vlaamse Modeinstituut en de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten "die plaatselijke ontwerpers vanaf de jaren tachtig hebben voortgebracht".

Nietsontziende commentaar

Lonely Planet, altijd op de uitkijk naar nieuwe trends en ontwikkelingen, mag steden en regio’s met een traditonele, koekjestrommelachtige schoonheid graag overlaten aan de meer traditonele toeristenboekjes.

Het nietsontziende commentaar van de gids leidde eind vorige eeuw tot klachten in eigen land, toen het in kleurrijke termen over de talloze tekortkomingen schreef van Engelands horeca, weer en burgers.

Engeland was als vakantiebestemming alleen goed voor masochisten, concludeerden de schrijvers meer dan eens met zoveel woorden.


Sindsdien heeft de gids een metamorfose ondergaan, hoewel het volgens Lonely Planet de Engelse steden zijn die onherkenbaar veranderden.

Zo werden in recente gidsen de postindustriële, Noord-Engelse steden even "onmisbaar" genoemd als Rome, Venetië en Florence, was Newcastle upon Tyne een toonvoorbeeld van de "wonderbaarlijke kracht van stadsvernieuwing", werd Leeds "Engelands Barcelona" en was Manchester "een van ’s lands spannendste en interessantste steden".

Geen van die Engelse steden wist de duizelingwekkende hoogte van de nieuwe editie te halen.

Antwerpen niet nieuw voor Britten

Dat de gids Antwerpen in haar top tien van steden van 2009 stopt zou voor de Britten, doorgaans ongeinteresseerd en onwetend als het gaat om Vlaanderen, niet nieuw moeten zijn.

Eerder repte de Sunday Times al over de stad als "een plaats van kunst en mode, gekke bars, cuisine van klasse en adembenemende gotische en barokke gebouwen".

Source: www.

Oh and Sheriff, Antwerp has a population of more than 500.000 inhabitants, that's 1/3 of Gambia's total population... in 1 town! So who's the little dwarf now? lOl! Yes, I know I'll get punished for saying this... Bring it on!!! Oh and since you check my blog 3 times a day, I can just say it this way: don't forget to upload my movie! And another thing, the picture you've sent me yesterday contained a virus (my virus scan deleted the file).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The saga continues

The bad luck month continues! Today, I sprained my ankle while I was rushing to class. I suddenly felt this stinging pain around me ankle and upper part of my right foot. I got really nauseas and my vision became blurry. After walking on it, or at least an attempt to walk on it, my body produced enough endorphin to lower the pain, but now I am home and I can survey the true damage. My ankle is swollen and looking slightly blue, brown and purple already. Maybe I should just have gone home and put some ice on it instead of going to class and walking on it.

Today when I got to the parking lot at the station, I saw the spot where I was parked last week Thursday (the day of the car crash) was still available, yet I refused to park my car over there and I just drove to the end of the parking lot and dropped it there. It was a long walk to the rails, but no single braincell in my mind that even considered parking on that spot ever again! Even if I had to walk for miles...

About the car, the costs are not that high as we all expected. So I first planned to get me a 15" MacBook Pro, but instead I will buy a 13" MacBook and get my car fixed! Don't really need that big 15" screen anyway. The one I have is 15", but a smaller screen won't kill me and it would fit in more handbags! Cause the handbag I am using now is this super-sized maxi bag from Friis & Company because it didn't fit in the "normal" big sized bags. A smaller one on the other hand, will fit in it. That means more choice of handbags for me! And we all know us girls love their handbags! They are like an prolonging of our personality. Some go for flashy colors or big prints, other ones for designer bags... And in that different taste, we show a large part of our personality.

Parents are just so evil and careless! When I politely asked my mother if she could bring me some water because it hurts a lot to walk on my ankle, she just said I should get my lazy bones out of the sofa myself! No water for me then, I will have to become dehydrated.

I just found out my neighbor from across the street died yesterday. She was already old and lost a lot of weight due to chemotherapy, but yet it is always a shock to find out that someone who you know has left this life and went to another place...

Tomorrow class is canceled because the professor is somewhere in Asia (I thought Beijing for some medical law congress). Too bad right? Hell nah! I could always use an extra day of "vacation". I could use this time to repeat some previous classes. Yet again, I gave up my promise I made at the start of the new year. Every year I swear to myself I would repeat my courses... but yet again, I gave up after the second week. So far I've only studied criminal law completely, some part of contract law and hmm that's it... I noticed that subjects I am really interested in, for example International Law and the Law of International Organisations, are easier to follow and memorise.

Going to put a new cold compress on my ankle. Take care everyone.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October, most horrible month of the year

October must be, hands down, the most horrible month of 2008 and hasn't even finished. Fourteen more days to go, oh boy, what more can go wrong.

Second, my lappie is really going from bad to horrible. More and more lines appear, and now it shows those lines that you get when you put your phone next to your screen while there is an incoming call. I doubt it will last any longer. I was planning to order the new MacBook as an early Xmas gift to myself, but as long as they don't find the driver who caused the crash, I will have to put it on hold because I will have to pay the reparations myself.

My car, oh boy! I always took care of her like she was my baby. (Notice I use "she" and not "it"). Making sure there were no scratches, bumps, or whatever on her! And just because of this fucking lame ass foolish son of a bitch truck driver, my baby is destroyed! First the front: the lights shields are fractured, the whole hood is one big scratch, due to the big impact the collusion had, my left side has a huge bump and my truck is misplaced. Hopefully there is no serious damage to the hanging or the engine and radiation system. Cause this was a hit and run, the criminal is unidentified, which includes that we have no one to turn to with an insurance claim. In other words, we gotta pay our own reparation costs because the insurance doesn't cover it. Let's hope the police, for once, does what it is supposed to do: find the criminal who did this!

Yesterday I was just too depressed to go to class. Neither could I sleep. Everytime I closed my eyes, I saw the image of my crushed car in front of my eyes. All I wanted to do was yell, cry and punch someone/something. But back to yesterday, I decided to go for a movie marathon. First movie I watched was Stomp The Yard. Brainless dance movie that required zero intelligence and concentration, just staring at muscled black guys who can dance. Then I switched to Blood Diamond. Now, I saw this movie a couple of times before and it is a nice on, but not as great as I always expected. Praise the Lord for creating mr. Hounsou though! Next up was Amistad. I just adore this movie. It's a sad one but it is magnificent. Then I put on The Pelican Brief, Cry Freedom (one of the best movies ever made), Tsosti, Bullet Boy and Life and Lyrics (both starring Ashley Walters, better known as Asher D from So Solid Crew). I finished with an episode of Dawson's Creek. Can you believe it? They are replaying all those old episodes all over again! Talking about milking dry... lOl. It reminded me of my junior high days when this series was so popular! Sweet old memories, even though I would never want to go back to those days!

I know I am a bit too late, but Chris, happy birthday and you'll get your present when I'm in NYC! That's a promise.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why me?!

All I want to do right now is just cry. Today when I returned from university, I saw my car was damaged. I immediately called the cops and reported the crime. They called an expert to check out what has happened. The expert told us that this was caused by a truck. But since we don't know who caused it, I will probably have to pay for the reparations myself because my insurance doesn't cover these kind of damages. I saved years for this car, I took care of it like it was my baby and now, "thanks" to the fault of some looser, I can pay some thousands of euros (something I don't have) to fix my sweetie! So as long as I am still unceirtain weither I have to pay the costs or not, I will have to put my Macbook on hold. Too bad because the new design looks tight.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lots of drama

Mind the sarcasm in the tittle... This morning I was on my way to class when I spotted some girl I knew from back in the days when I used to spend every free second at the horse stables. She told me she was preggers. The kid is only 15 y.o. and she had a damn good reason (mind the sarcasm again) why she got this way. She told me she had sex with her boyfriend some weeks ago and he insisted they do it without condom because he assured her she can't get preggers if he didn't release inside her. I couldn't believe my ears! (Okay, I could because I have had some men who claimed it too and they all were shown the door. ) But what causes this ignorance? Is it the lack of sexual education? Je m'enfoutism? All I know is that in those 12 years of obligated education, we only had one lesson of sexual education. I believe it was at the 5-6th grade. At that age, 11 years old, and in those conditions, a full classroom, it gets kind of awkward. I don't remember they gave us much info about how you could get pregnant and things like that. She lady only told us about our period and voice changes for the men, or how to deal of ending relationships... HIV, AIDS, STDs and pregnancy? Nah none of that. Never they told one word that pre-cum can make a girl preggers. And be assured: it can! Plus I don't see the big deal. I mean, what is so uncool about condoms? Feeling less? C'mon, the rubber is so thin and the materials are so developed that you barely notice it. Plus if you feel a bit less, you reach the "it"-moment less fast, which means you can go on longer and have more fun! And even if you feel less, the benefits, being protected against HIV, AIDS and STDs, are much higer than the small disadvantage! Another excuse I often heard is that they are ashamed to go buy some at the local pharmacy. Abeg, if you claim to be old enough to have sex, then also be adult enough to get the condoms, for your own safety!

I know everyone is going to hate me right now, but next Friday evening (not this Friday), I'll be lying in my hubbies strong arms. Feeling his heartbeat, feeling his breathing in my neck, hearing his sweet whispers... Jealous already? Pictures guaranteed for sure! Watch my Facebook album!

I feel like high school again at the moment. We got homework! Can you believe it? Homework! Make exercise 8+9+10. I didn't even bought the excise book yet! Make the damn thing yourself and be happy I drag my lazy ass to your class every time. First, we ain't obligated to attend class, and if we do, we get punished for it cause we have to make exercises!

There is probably some logic explanation for it, but when you are single, no one is interested in you because they all have someone else that moment. Once you found someone, in my case this great guy called Sheriff, all of the sudden you get loads of love declarations from the strangest people that have known you for years and never showed any interest. What's the deal? Is it the hunting or do guys like it to steal other guy's girls? Or do they consider it safe because they know they won't succeed? Whatever it may be, quit it, y'all are too late!

Gon wrap it up because I need to write my homework. Don't dare to laugh!

Monday, October 13, 2008


As I told you in my last post, I had a shopping trip on Saturdays. I didn't really buy that much. Shockers right? I only bought Guess shoes and scarf and a Versace jeans. About the jeans, the original price was 4.000 euro. Yes you read it correctly, 4.000... But I had a 70% reduction! A true bargain!

Today I read an article about the Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Família in Barcelona. Immediately, I felt this feeling of nostalgia. I love this city so much. Been there for quite a long time and I truly felt in love with Gaudí. Casa Vicens, Palau Güell, Casa Calvet, Casa Batlló, Casa Milà and the beautiful Park Güell. I truly adore the Casa Batlló (located at 43, Passeig de Gràcia). It is truly exceptional. And Park Güell! Oh man how many hours did I spend in that beautiful park! I can't count them anymore! I think this is the only European town I see myself living in...

Picture 1: Casa Vicens, 24 Carrer de les Carolines
Picture 2: Palau Güell, 3-5 Nou de la Rambla
Picture 3: Casa Calvet, 1900 Carrer de Casp 48
Picture 4: Casa Batlló, 43 Passeig de Gràcia
Picture 5: Casa Milà, 92 Passeig de Gràcia
Picture 6:
Sagrada Família, 401 C. Mallorca
Pictures 7-19: Park Güell, district Gràcia

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How a day that started quite well can become a living hell

Today started quite well. Woke up at 6.30 am, took a bath, washed my hair and prepared for class. Class itself was quite interesting I must say and for once, I didn't miss my first train. I got home around 1.30 pm, had a quick bite, a baguette with tomato, mozzarella and basil. Afterwards I went to do some shopping. This was the first stage of a horrible day.

Shopping: I saw this cute ass bra in a magazine and decided to go to the shop to buy it. The shop where I normally buy my bra's didn't have it so I went to another one. There I asked for my size (being an European 65D) and you know what she answered me "that is not your size". I was really shocked! I know my own body and the bra size she suggested is way too big for me, both outline as cup size, and not just one size bigger, but several sizes bigger (75F). I was like "you know what, never mind, you can keep it but I will never put a single feet in this store and be sure there will be bad mouth to mouth advertisement". I was really affronted. First, I was wearing a loose t-shirt, second, I was wearing a patted bra. But nah, I needed a bra that was way too big,according to her!

Next was my wreck less driving mother who gave me almost some heart attacks. I would not be surprised if one day she gets home with severe damage to the bodywork of my car! She is always like "Oh gotta push the gas very fast or otherwise I won't be able to sneak between two cars (even though there is no room to sneak in between them)". My reaction was "When you have to push the gas very fast or you will be too late, then it means you can't cross it in a safe way so you got to wait until the street is free!".

Latest fucked up thing was missing a phone call from my hubby. 20 minutes before he called me, I switched my phone to silence and went to bed because I was in pain. My neck and shoulders are completely blocked and my IUD is killing me. But most of all, I'm scared that I won't be seeing my baby any time soon because some bad things came in between...

Ok excuse me for my language... Kinda pissed off today so I better stop complaining and get my ass back to bed again, hoping a better day will come tomorrow.

Night y'all and sorry Sheriff. Really wanted to hear your voice again.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!! PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Each and every time, Sheriff succeeds to pull my legs. And silly I believes him ever damn time! Each time I tell myself he won't fool me again, but before I realize it, I'm busted again. And the thing is that he stays this serious! I could never keep it up that long! But one day, I'll get my revenge... Only don't know when, where and how... (So if anyone got some ideas, inspiration is always welcome). Won't get into details about what has happened, but I can assure you that if I hadn't been in class at that time, I would have been hysterically yelling and crying! So yes Sheriff, be scared! Very scared cause my revenge will be sweet... Very sweet...

Sometimes I wonder why I even go to class. The prof we had today (and also the one we had yesterday) just stand in front of the class and read what is in their book. It's like "C'mon, I had to wake up at 6 am to get here on time. Can you please say something that is not in your book? I can read what you wrote myself at home too, I don't have to come to class for that! I'm a big girl now and I don't need a bed time story read to me!". I'm going to give them one more chance, if he starts reading again, I'm out for the rest of the semester and I'll study his stuff on my own! That way I can sleep longer and study at moment I prefer i.e. at night.

I'm already mentally preparing myself for the stock selling of Saturday... Gon be such an emotional happening lOl! Nah I'm really looking forward to it because I don't have many clothes left in my closet at the moment. Most clothes are some years old and out of fashion or show sign of extensive wearing. Only my favorite ones (e.g. my D&G hoodies, some wrap around sweaters, etc.) are still looking classy as ever. So can't wait to fill my closet again with trendy new stuff. And no I am not a snob or a brand addict! The tissues used have such a good quality that they can go on for years. So in the end, the price is worth it! For example: I have this cute ass purple D&G t-shirt that costs 130 euro. I have it 5 years by now and I can still wear it. Some of my friends say I am crazy but they have to buy a new one every year because theirs lost color or model. So 30 x 5 = 150... This means mines is cheaper!

This past week(s), the US presidential campaigns got very tense. Sarah Palin, the self-proclaimed pit bull with lipstick, linked Obama with terrorism. She "forgot" to mention that senator Obama was only 8 y.o. when Bill Ayers started his bombing campaign, that he also condemned the actions and that Ayers is a professor now... Or McCain and his views on economics! First he said the economic base was still solid (Is that so? Then why are banks going bankrupt? Why do people loose their houses?) and that Obama was "missing in action" when they needed to vote the Paulson plan... He found that Obama didn't do everything in his power to get it voted. Small note, he "forgot" to mention that many conservative Republicans were also against it because they don't approve governmental interventions... The current lack of regulations in the financial market, a legacy of the Republican policy, has been named the origin of the financial crisis by many specialists.

My stomach hurts like hell. I ate too much coconut cake! But damn it tastes sooooo good! Let me share you my recipe.
4 eggs
250gr flour
250gr sugar
2 packets of vanilla sugar
160gr butter
100gr coconut powder

Mix the butter, egg yolk, sugar and vanilla sugar until you get one homogeneous mass. Fluff up the egg white and add it, together with the flour and coconut. Mix it until it is one homogeneous mass again. Afterwards butter your cake form, straw some flour on the sides and bottom and put in your paste. Put it in the oven for about 50 minutes and there you go: a lovely cake!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A quiet day

It's like a national public sector strike day today. So this means there will be actions in the public transportation system too... Result: I'm forced to stay home from class. How bad... Can't they strike for the whole week? Lazy me I know. But I'm a student, what would you expect?

Normally I would have went to the airport next weekend because Sheriff is on transit in BXL airport. But his hours are impossible for me to get there... It's just so sad because I was so looking forward to it. Guess I'll have to wait until October 25-26-27, when he will be down here in Antwerp. Such a bummer... Hopefully time flies by because it is really hard, this missing...

But since I can't go see Sheriff, I'm going to a stock selling! Paradise on earth. All these brands like Dolce & Gabbana (my favorite), Versace, Armani, Guess,... on stock prices plus an extra reduction given by my mom's firm! Guess I'll have to do a lot of stuffing when I return... Because I wont return with only one thing! It'll be dozens of things and I all have to get them in my closet! Go figure! But what I need: a designer handbag (Vuitton maybe?), designer sunglasses (YSL or Dior?), watch (Guess?), jeans and cute ass tops (D&G?) and a dress (Versace?). Can't wait!

One of my nails broke off today. My 3 cm long "cat nails", as my mom used to call them, are gone! Cries... I must confess it is much easier to type with short nails though... But it looks less feminine. Talking about feminine, I saw this great bra. Gon buy it next Friday after class. I can't help it but I am addicted to bra's. Each season I have at least one new one... I must have more than 20 bra's in my closet... And I mostly wear my did-you-get-silicone-implants-bra. I just love that bra...

I'm considering buying a MacBook because my lappie's screen is messed up. Problem is that we all have Windows over here and no programs for OS. But I don't want Windows Vista. Worked with it once it is really crappy. Vista is cheaper though... Apple on the other hand, got a much nicer design. The eye wants something too you know... Just gon think about it. Might buy one in NYC since it's cheaper there.

I came to the conclusion that studying law really messes up my brains! Yesterday I was taling to someone and he said like "let me judge that" and I was like "Nemo iudex in causa sua", instead of just saying that he can't be the judge since he is one of the parties. It's crazy. I never thought I would get into this law thing this deep. I always saw it as just a studies because I didn't have anything else in mind... But now I am using these strange Latin adagias, even in the normal day life...

Oh boy I am addicted to this new Raphael Saadiq song Never Give You Up... Been humming it all weekend long. Where are the Tony! Toni! Toné! days... Or when D'Angelo was still making great music... Oh my gosh, I so miss these days! Sweet ol' memories!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nominees for BEST ALBUM 2008

I know there are still 3 months left, but I think already say that I have the only two candidates for the category best album. It'll be a tie between Love Behind the Melody by Raheem Devaughn and The Way I See It by Raphael Saadiq.

Best track is Never Give You Up. Amazing song that reminds me of the old soul/jazz/blues vibes. Enjoy!

Must hear: Friday (Shut the Club Down)